Data Science (DS) and Machine Learning (ML) are two of the hottest fields in the industry.

Data Science involves using Computer Science and Statistics to generate insights from large amounts of data. Machine Learning is a specific approach to Data Science that involves training algorithms to perform a task.


Data Science jobs have been ranked #1 in 2019 in terms of median base salary ($108k), job satisfaction, and the number of job openings. Here are five of the most common Data Science roles. Note that each employer defines these roles differently so it's important to understand the specific knowledge and skills required for each.


Along with advanced technical knowledge, organizations are looking for candidates with problem-solving and communication skills. Related coursework, projects, and experience are desired.

Center for Data Science

📊 Interview Query Request

In collaboration with the College of Engineering and thanks to the generosity of our Center for Data Science, CICS Careers is excited to pilot Interview Query to help Manning CICS students & alumni prepare for data science interviews.

🗓️ Have an upcoming data science / machine learning interview? Interview Query has curated practice questions by employer and role.